Welcome to AIM High Sports Ministry
I believe in God, I love my country and will respect its laws. I will play hard, I will play to win, but win or lose I will always to my best and strive to aim high for God’s glory.

Announcement: Registration for basketball leagues is closed for the year

League Information
Each AIM High sports league will be divided into three age divisions, which may be expanded to a fourth division after the completion of the first season. A player’s age as of July 1st of the year the basketball season begins.
Division 1: Ages 13 to 18
Division 2: Ages 10 to 13
Division 3: Ages 8 to 10
If you would like your child to participate in the upcoming basketball season or to help with coaching and refereeing, please click the link below.
About AIM High
“Jesus said to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6
The AIM High sports program seeks to teach kids sports skills, provide a high-energy positive outlet, and above all introduce them to Jesus Christ, who is the only way to a right relationship with the Father. The Gospel is the message we use to show them the way to a higher way of competing, associating with others, and patterning their lives after, teaching them to always AIM HIGH.