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Pastor Chris Brown
We are living in times when people are searching. Maybe YOU are searching for purpose, meaning, truth and something in your life that you just seem to be missing. We will explore one of the best sources of truth: the Book of John. John was a disciple of Jesus. He wrote about Him in a way that reveals who Jesus really is. So, come and listen, learn and perhaps you’ll find faith to believe, too!
Come and be part of the community. Join us online or in person.
We have TWO WORSHIP SERVICES during this series at 8:45 AM and 11:00 AM. Childcare is provided (Nursery through Elementary) with a special TBC Kids Church for children each week during the 11 AM worship experience. We invite you to come and lean into God as we explore His Word. If you are longing for something deeper and seeking a new spiritual awakening with Jesus, come join us!
A companion study is now available for this sermon series, “Believe” from the Book of John. It is available in E-Book format and is downloadable for free.
Authored by Jim Buchanan and Chris Brown, it is good for personal growth or for use with classes or small groups. Click to download it today!
Worship times:
8:45 a.m. – Traditional Service
10:00 a.m. – Sunday School
11:00 am – Contemporary Service
Office Hours
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
(740) 774-2224
221 E. Main Street,
Chillicothe, OH – 45601
Planning to Visit?
We meet for Worship Gathering every Sunday at 8:45am & 11:00am. Our 8:45am worship is designed for those who prefer music which offers hymns, while our 11:00am worship brings a full band and praise experience. We are offering our full TBC Kids programming and Nursery during the 11:00am gathering only. Come as you are no matter your age or church background. Our church family welcomes you!
Prayer Request?
Prayer requests will be forwarded to our TBC Prayer Team. If you have a confidential request, please contact the TBC office directly: 740-774-2224.