AIM High Rulebook for Basketball League
The AIM High Pledge and Mission
I believe in God, I love my country and will respect its laws. I will play hard, I will play to win, but win or lose I will always to my best and strive to aim high for God’s glory.
“Jesus said to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6
The AIM High sports program seeks to teach kids sports skills, provide a high-energy positive outlet, and above all introduce them to Jesus Christ, who is the only way to a right relationship with the Father. The Gospel is the message we use to show them the way to a higher way of competing, associating with others, and patterning their lives after, teaching them to always AIM HIGH.
Divisions (age groups)
Each AIM High sports league will be divided into three age divisions, which may be expanded to a fourth division after the completion of the first season. A player’s age as of July 1st of the year the basketball season begins.
Division 1: Ages 13 to 18
Division 2: Ages 10 to 13
Division 3: Ages 8 to 10
Teams, Evaluations, Assignments & The Gospel on Display
For basketball our goal is to field four teams in each division with a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 10 players on each team. The season will begin with a try-out session where each child’s basic basketball skills will be evaluated. Team assignments will be based on the childrens’ evaluation scores. There will be no drafting of players. If a coach has a child that he wants to play for his team, that child will still need to attend the try-out session so that he can receive an evaluation grade. Each coach may have one free pick of a child that wants to play for his team. Again, a free picked child must attend the try-out session and receive an evaluation grade. The purpose for this is to divide the talent among the teams within each division in such a way that no one team has an excessive level of talent above the other teams. In other words, no all star teams. It will be up to each coach to teach the kids on their team the skills they will need to be more competitive.
A child that is at one of the crossover ages (10 and 13) may be assigned to one of the two divisions for which they are eligible depending on how they evaluate at the try-out/evaluation session.
As stated earlier, each division will consist of four teams that will wear the following uniform colors that represent an aspect of the Gospel message:
- Red: the blood of Jesus Christ which was shed for our sins (Romans 3:23-24, Isaiah 53:3, John 3:16, Romans 10:9)
- Blue: through His sacrifice the stain of sin is washed away and we are now guiltless before the Father, He gives us His own righteousness. (1 Corinthians 6:11, Romans 4:23-35)
- Green: where we were once dead in our sins, the believer is raised in a new life, has a restored relationship with the Father, and can now look forward to a resurrection unto eternal life with the Father. (Romans 6:4, John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 15:52)
- Gold: the believer in Christ is called a priest and king in the Scriptures because we are made a child of the living God through adoption. We can call Him our dad! (John 1:12, Romans 8:14-17, Revelation 1:6 & 6:15)
AIM High Standards of Conduct, Medical Release, and Background Checks
- Each player, parent, coach, and referee must sign and adhere to the AIM High Oath of Ethics (section 5.4) in order to participate in the AIM High sports program.
- Each player, parent, coach, and referee must sign the TBC medical release waiver in order to participate in the AIM High sports program.
- All adults who will be involved in the AIM High sports program must undergo a background check. Referees must either complete the TBC background check or demonstrate that he has undergone a background check.
- Reciprocity – TBC will accept a completed background check from any worker, volunteer or referee that can demonstrate they have undergone a background check within the last two years as of the first day of the current calendar year.
- Example: The current year for the AIM High sport program is 2022. If an adult wanting to coach in the league in 2022 can demonstrate a completed background check since 2020 will be allowed to participate in the program.
Oath of Ethics:
- By agreeing to participate or allowing their children to participate in this program:
- Each coach and parent is choosing to participate in a faith-based christian program and understands that their child(ren) will be taught christian values as well as will be taught the basic values and tenets of the faith.
- Each coach, volunteer and worker agrees to teach and model christian behavior.
- While on the TBC campus (gymnasium, church building, and parking lot) volunteers, workers, coaches, parents, referees and children will refrain from using offensive (cussing), sexually suggestive, or abusive language.
- While on the TBC campus volunteers, workers, coaches, parents, referees and children agree to refrain from the consumption of alcohol as well as will refrain from using illegal/illicit drugs (to include but not exclusively limited to the use of marijuana, regardless of whether or not it has been prescribed or is deemed legal by the state of Ohio). Smoking or vaping is not allowed within the TBC gymnasium or church building.
- Coaches, parents, referees, volunteers, workers, and players will refrain from using violent behavior against others while on the TBC campus. Hitting, bullying, spitting, and other such behaviors will not be tolerated.
- Coaches, volunteers, workers and referees will not be alone with a single player at any given time unless the player is the child of the adult in question.
- It is recommended that coaches and referees be familiar with injury assessment, concussion assessment, and resuscitation (CPR) standards/guidelines.
- Any abusive behavior toward the players that is observed or reported to AIM High staff will be investigated and its validity will be determined. The AIM High Director will determine what punitive measures, if any, will be taken against the coach or volunteer in question. If an accusation is determined to be valid, the offending coach or volunteer will be suspended for a period to be determined by the AIM High Director. Any such behavior observed by AIM High staff or referees will result in immediate suspension followed by an inquiry. Abusive behavior that puts the immediate safety of a child at risk will result in immediate suspension and such behavior will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement entity.
- Violation of any part of this section, “Oath of Ethics” or refusal to abide by any part of this section will have the following potential results:
- Removal from TBC campus
- Suspension from the AIM High sports program
- Permanent ban from the AIM High sports program
- A refusal to abide by the oath of ethics or other parts of section 5.0 will result in the adult’s denial to participate in the sports program.
- Uniforms: Each player and coach will be provided a jersey, t-shirt, or collard shirt (for coaches).
- Basketballs: Each division will use the following basketball sizes
Division 1 = 28”
Division 2 = 28”
Division 3 = 25.5”
- Basketball Goals: Divisions 1 and 2 will use the standard basketball court and goals. Division 3 games will use half the basketball court with the temporary 7 foot goals set up at each end so that two games can be played simultaneously.
- Colored Wrist Bands: During Division 3 games, each team will be given colored wrist bands to be used by the players during the games. The wrist bands are used to assist the players in man-to-man defense. Blue guards blue, red guards red, black guards black, etc.
- AIM High Rules: A copy of the rules will be placed at the scorer’s table for each game. Each head coach and referee will receive a printed copy of the AIM High rules prior to the first game. An electronic copy of the rules will be made available on the AIM High web site and Facebook site.
- Gym Shoes: Players must wear gym shoes during practices and games.
- Scorer’s Table: For each game TBC will provide a scorer’s table with score indicators. The scheduled “home team” for each game is responsible for providing a “scorekeeper” to man the scorer’s table. A copy of the AIM High rules will be placed at the scorer’s table during games.
- Live Streaming: AIM High games may be live streamed or recorded and made available on-line for parents, relatives, and friends of the kids playing in the games. By participating in the program each parent/guardian agrees to allow their child(ren) to be recorded on video and for their image to be streamed or played back over the internet on YouTube or other video playback platforms. TBC will provide the cameras and video streaming/recording equipment.
General Rules
Unless specified within these rules, AIM High will use the most current OHSAA Basketball rules governing affiliated basketball games in the state of Ohio.
Each team will get 1 practice per week at the TBC gym. To open each practice a coach will be required to give a short 5 minute devotion. Each coach will receive devotion prompt cards from which they can give their devotion sessions. Division 3 teams will only use half of the basketball court so that two practices can run simultaneously.
Game Time and Minimum Play
- 1 Each division has unique game timing rules and minimum play requirements. Each team may play up to five but no less than four players in a game at any given time. If one of the two teams present at a game cannot play five on the court at a time due to being short players and can only play 4 at a time, the opposing team also must only play four players at a time. If a team cannot play at least four players at a time that team must forfeit that game to the opposing team. The team that had to forfeit may appeal to the Director to possibly have that game rescheduled. All rescheduling decisions are the discretion of the Director.
- 2 If a player has not had any playing time in a game at the end of the first period, that player must be entered into the game to start the second period for the time specified in table 1 below. If a player did not play in the third period he must be entered into the game at the start of the fourth period for the time specified in table 1 below. Table 1 also shows the game timing and time out rules for each division. All times are listed in minutes.
- 3 Timeouts. Each team will receive a set number of timeouts per half according to Table 1.
Division | Game Length | Period Length | Halftime Length | 30 sec TO | 60 sec TO | Min. Play Time per Half | Min. Play Time per Game |
I (13-18) | 40 | 10 | 10 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 10 |
II (10-13) | 32 | 8 | 10 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 8 |
III (8-10) | 24 | 6 | 10 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 6 |
Table 1 – Game Timing, Time Outs, and Minimum Play Time Rules
Prior to each game the following must be completed:
- Player check: Referees should make sure each player has the appropriate uniform. Also make sure that none of the players are openly bleeding nor are running a fever (question only).
- Ball check: Referees should check the basketball for any damage that would make it unplayable. All basketballs should be inflated between 8 and 9 lbs.
- Scoreboard function and Scorers: If the scoreboard is being used, make sure that it is functioning properly. The home team is responsible for providing the scorekeeper. The visiting team provides the scoreboard operator. Both must be present at the scorer’s table.
- Floor check: Ensure that the playing court floor is free of liquid, dirt or debris that could impact the players.
- Goal check: For Division III games, make sure the temporary goals are in the correct position and are reasonably stable. They should be set to the appropriate height of 7 feet.
- AIM High Pledge: Prior to the start of each game, the two teams will line up at mid-court opposite each other. They will first say the AIM High Pledge
I believe in God, I love my country and will respect its laws. I will play hard, I will play to win, but win or lose I will always to my best and strive to aim high for God’s glory
- Prayer: If the Director is present, he will open the game in prayer. If not or as requested, the home team coach will open the game in prayer. At a minimum pray for safety and God’s blessings on the game.
Team Foul and Personal Foul Results
- Team Fouls: Team fouls will accrue as per the standard basketball rules. The repercussions of team fouls will have the outcome as prescribed in Table 2 below.
- Personal Fouls: Personal fouls will accrue as per the standard basketball rules. However, a player will not “foul out” by the normal rules. Instead each player will receive a “grace” ordinance as per Table 3 below.
What to Expect
The AIM High sports program is a ministry of Tabernacle Baptist Church (aka TBC) and strives to exemplify Christ in everything we do on and off the court. It is expected that as the kids are in a Christian program that they do their best to adhere to these guidelines and rules as closely as possible. We expect that you as an AIM High staff member, volunteer, parent, coach, or referee will help us enforce these rules and expectations to the best of your ability so that the mission of the AIM High program might be achieved.
Want to Join AimHigh?
If you would like your child to participate in the upcoming basketball season or to help with coaching and refereeing, please contact us here.