Tabernacle’s Coronavirus Protocol’s updated September 2021.

Please scroll down the page for more information.


Dear Church Family and visitors to TBC…

Recently we met to discuss the current surge of Covid cases involving what appears to be the Delta Variant strain of the virus. We discussed our current statistics in Ross County as well as a long-term strategy for TBC to deal with this challenge responsibly and practically. It seems Covid-19 is here to stay for the foreseeable future. We wish to keep our ministries OPEN as much as possible.

TBC Worship Gathering Protocols:

  1. Our ministries will remain open as much as possible.
  2. Social Distance: We will seek to limit personal contact when Covid-19 Levels are 2 or higher. (no greeting time; suggest you limit hugs, handshakes)
  3. We encourage everyone to take whatever measures are best for your health:
      1. If that means you prefer to remain home, or quarantine, we support that decision for your family.
      2. We encourage our congregation to wear masks if you wish. No mandates, but highly recommended for those concerned about exposure.
      3. You may sit in a socially distant area in the sanctuary and communicate that you wish to remain socially distant from people
  4. Vaccination is encouraged by our medical professionals. Health professionals generally agree that most people will contract Covid-19 either through infection or vaccination. Vaccination can seriously reduce your risk of serious illness or death.

    Further Thoughts from Pastor Chris:

    There are a few other recommendations I would like to make as your Pastor to help us navigate this new world, as I am certain that new challenges will arise.

    1. Prayerfully make your decision to vaccinate, or not, based on your own convictions and personal health choices.
    2. Please respect others always and demonstrate the love of Christ regardless of the decisions they have made. We are NOT “vaccinated people” and “non-vaccinated people.” We are just people; ONE family in Christ.
    3. Do not judge other people’s health decisions. You most likely don’t know their personal health circumstances. They may have natural immunity. Or they may simply see this as an act of faith choosing to trust God. While it is probably wise to not ask if your brother or sister has been vaccinated directly, it happens. Speak truthfully without apology either way. And for those who ask, please prepare to listen without judgement. And so, as Jesus commands, love one another.
    4. All who come to TBC are free to either continue wearing a mask for your own peace of mind, or not. Each of us is responsible for our own health.
    5. If you are not at peace about attending in person, please feel free to worship online until you are ready to rejoin in person. We are all one family, worshiping and growing and learning together.

    From the beginning, our guiding verse has been Philippians 2:4 – “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” THAT is why we have done what we have done. That is why we have given up our “rights” in order to care for one another as best as we knew how. Not politics, not the CDC, not the Governor, not the science and not because of fear. We have done everything because we LOVE one another. If social distancing, wearing a mask, sanitizing, changing behaviors would help my brother, then I will do so because of love.

      With a grateful heart and with love,

      Pastor Chris

      Health Team: Rebekah Hunt, Chair, Dr. Lois Jetty, Dr. Sunday Olatunde, Garry Hagar, Kris Oliver, Sean Kallner, Chris Brown