Membership and Baptism

Exploring Membership Class Overview
- Handout of Membership Study Guide, Church Directory (online), and other appropriate materials. Overview of Tabernacle.
- Introductions, personal testimonies.
- Healthy Church Part 1: Mission – Fully devoted followers of Jesus: Sin, repentance, and assurance of faith—eternal salvation. Holy Spirit, Trinity, spiritual growth, prayer, Bible study
- Healthy Church Part 2: Family – connecting with others through ABF’s and Small Groups. Ministry to others by serving. Introduction to Spiritual Gifts. Houts questionnaire.
- Healthy Church Part 3: Business – organization and leadership. Introduction to stewardship and the three T’s—Time, Talents, and Treasure. Tabernacle budget, contributions to missions. Specifics of baptism and communion.
Exploring Membership at the Tabernacle
If God has led you to become a part of Tabernacle Baptist Church, we want to welcome you to our family. We host periodic membership classes that will allow you to learn more about our church, deepen your faith in Christ, and help you to understand your role in our church family. Our “Exploring Membership” class is taught by our Senior Pastor Chris Brown along with our Deacon and Deaconess teams.
Because we are an independent church, we are governed by the will of our members. This means members can vote on important church business matters, hold a position of elected leadership and share in the decision making of our church family.
The “next step” is to respond after a Sunday morning worship gathering by coming forward during an invitation and sharing your desire to join us as a member.
Jesus said, “Go into the all the world and make disciples (preaching the good news of salvation and forgiveness of sins), BAPTIZING them in the name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit.”
When a person believes and receives Christ as Savior the next step is baptism. It’s your “profession of faith”. We typically hold baptism services every 6 weeks. We baptize by immersion according to our understanding the word “to baptize” which means, “to immerse.”
If you would like to make a profession of your faith in Jesus by being baptized, we would like to assist you in that process. This is a personal decision that first requires a personal decision to become a Christian. Then, if you want to continue your growth by following in the footsteps of Christ, Baptism may be the next step in your spiritual maturity. We have a dedicated team of individuals who will mentor you and teach you more about this “next step” in your Christian faith. Classes are held as needed.
The “next step” is to respond after a Sunday morning worship gathering by coming forward during an invitation and sharing your desire to take this step of obedience.